
Photo credit: Martin Vogt.
My love of mountains was nurtured at an early age. I can still vividly remember scrambling up Green Gable in the Lake District with my dad when I was seven years old, the first peak I had ever attempted. My lingering memory was looking over to Great Gable as it appeared out of the mist, thinking 'one day when I'm older I'm going to be back to climb up there'. During my teenage years I was a patrol leader in the scouts, and by the time I had Ieft home for Edinburgh University the late 1980s, I'd climbed all the high peaks of the Lakes, Snowdonia, and scaled Ben Nevis a grand total of six times! Through my student days I tackled many of the Scottish Munros and classic rock climbs, and began leading walks with friends. I'd jump at the chance to get out in the hills, whether it be an outing along the Aonach Eagach ridge, or a bothy trip to Staoineag or Shenavall. Since then, I have continued to wander across the Highlands and Islands, searching out its nooks and cranies in the most spectacular, out of the way places'.
In 2018 I began leading group tours professionally, going to the furthest corners in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. I pride myself on going the extra mile to ensure that my clients are safe at all times, and have truly memorable experiences. On every tour the emphasis is on having fun, and I make a point of eating with my clients every evening so that groups can both bond and relax. Long-lasting friendships have been forged on tours I have led, and I'm very gratified that many of my clients have kept in touch with me.
Over the last 5 years I have honed my skills in all areas of the guiding business, whether its booking high quality hotels and B& B's, knowing the best places to eat and drink, or having great rainy day options to places off the beaten track. I also offer bespoke tours, expertise in itinerary planning, access negociation, and tips about landscape photography.

West Highland Way, Fife Costal trail, Lochaber and Ben Nevis, Skye, The Northern Highlands and The Cairngorms
Kerry Camino and the Dingle Way, Galway and Clare: The Burren and Connemara, County Mayo, Mweelra, Achill, and Croagh Patrick, and Donegal: Errigal, and Glenveagh National Park