Geoff Allan is an award-winning author, landscape photographer, and outdoor guide, who came to prominence in 2017 when he published his best-selling reference book, The Scottish Bothy Bible. His highly successful follow-up, Scottish Bothy Walks, was published in the spring of 2020.
Now based in Co. Galway, Geoff divides his time between Scotland and Ireland, where he recently qualfied as a regional tour guide and lowland leader. Combining a summer of guiding, and off-season photography and book projects, Geoff also acts as a PR and social media consultant, and is exploring a role within local charities to promote walking in nature to support physical and mental well-being.

Photo Credit: Caitlin Mahony
Geoff Allan takes immense pride in the photographic component of his work, providing every image showcased in his two publications. Inspired by the ground-breaking pioneers of Scottish landscape photography: Colin Prior and Colin Baxter, he has spent countless hours attempting to capture the fleeting moments of startling light and colour with which Scotland and Ireland are blessed.Taking high quality bothy portraits became his primary focus as Geoff began compiling photos for his first publication, The Scottish Bothy Bible. For a long time no photograph seemed complete without one of his unique mountain shelters in the frame! In his second book, Scottish Bothy Walks, he made a point of delivering all new photography, including many more landscape shots to illustrate the walks themselves.